Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 2

Day 2

Today we hit the ground running! Gaby and I woke up @ 8AM per our schedule. The night before, we measured EVERYTHING on ourselves and posted it up on the fridge for us to see. Also we put up pictures of who we want to look like: Penelope Cruz for me and Salma Hayek for Gaby. That way, every time we even glance at the fridge, we see their perfect bodies and our unsatisfactory measurements! It actually works! And it makes us focus.

So this morning we ate 1 sunny side up egg with a side of fruit: grapes, blackberries, oranges and a strawberry. By 8:45 we were done eating and started our first morning workout of the day: 20 minutes of AB Jam and an hour of YOGA for Athletes.

I’m sore but feel really good physically and mentally. We had a delicious stuffed green bell pepper with meat inside that Gaby cooked with a side of Indian Basamti rice for lunch. And we have decided to ask ourselves whenever we eat: “Are we still hungry?” If not, them guess what? We STOP eating! This way we don’t stuff ourselves rotten and eat just to eat. So we ended up only eating HALF of the pepper! NOTE: This is VERY hard to do. I’m not FULL but not hungry either and it’s so hard for me to stop eating when something tastes so good.

We had the leftover fruit from breakfast to satisfy our sweet tooth.

It is now around 3pm and here’s a new challenge: Gaby and I are heading to MEXICO for 5 days for her uncle’s wedding in Tijuana! How to work out and stay good with all that yummy Mexican food? I’ll let you know.

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