Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ok, today is Day 1. Me, along with two of my best friends, Gaby and Sphen have agreed to lose weight and get our dream bodies. We figured out our average weight range we should be in based on our height and frame size here: and here: and here:

For me, my goal is to lose 7 pounds. I currently weigh 130lbs. Hopefully I'll lose more, but that's my goal by July 11th. That's about a month which seems reasonable. However, I am visiting Texas for a week and a half @ the end of June for my birthday. This means AMAZINGLY unhealthy fatty foods I've been waiting a year to eat! But I WILL have my queso and eat it too. AND lose the weight....

Ok, so here's our plan:

1. Wake up @ 8AM
2. Eat breakfast from 8AM - 8:30AM
3. Workout for 1 hour and a half - Ab workout and Yoga
4. Eat Lunch @ 12:30pm
5. 2nd Workout for an hour and half
6. Dinner @ 7pm

This is a skeleton outline of our day. Basically we want a morning and afternoon/night workout EVERYDAY! No eating ANYTHING after 9pm, no beer, and only 1 drink if necessary at a bar.

We'll let's see how it goes! Wish us luck!


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